The documentary depicts monarch butterflies’ great and mysterious migration Each year’s autumn, millions of monarch butterflies start their incredible southward migration from Canada, cross America, to Mexico They fly above 二,000 miles to arrive the mountain of Mexico The film opens with caterpillars munching milkweed in southern Canada in late summer Soon each caterpillar transforms itself into a silky chrysalis Roughly 一0 days later, a delicate four-winged monarch emerges Then, at some unknown signal, the monarchs take to the air on a two-month, 二,000-mile flight over fields, forests, cities, plains, open water, deserts, and finally mountains to congregate in a tiny, high-altitude region of central Mexico where they ve never been before Incredibly, they arrive by the millions at the same time each year Shedding light on this natural wonder are some of the world s leading monarch researchers, including Lincoln Brower of Sweet Briar College, independent biologist Bill Calvert, and Orley quot Chip quot Taylor of the University of Kansas Putting the monarch phenomenon into perspective, Taylor says, quot You ve got a butterfly that s originating in Toronto, or it s originating in Detroit, Michigan, or it s coming down from St Paul or maybe even Winnipeg, and it s moving south Somehow it finds its way to Mexico Could you do that quot No one yet knows how the butterflies do it, but Taylor s research reveals that they are expert navigators In one experiment, he transported Mexico-bound monarchs from Kansas to Washington, DC, and then set them loose At first, they flew south as if they were still in Kansas—a course that from Washington would miss Mexico entirely But after a few days, they corrected their flight path, as if some inborn GPS unit had alerted them to the true direction of their destination In another sequence, NOVA accompanies celebrated monarch watcher Bill Calvert around backcountry Texas as he looks for signs of the monarch migration Sure enough, they show up en masse and on time, heading toward the Sierra Madre mountains across the border—the last leg of their flight And in the Mexican state of Michoacán, NOVA joins mountain villagers as they celebrate the arrival of the monarchs in the first week of November The butterflies arrival marks the start of a celebration called the Day of the Dead, since the local people have traditionally associated the monarchs with the returning souls of their departed ancestors Unfortunately, illegal logging in the Mexican butterfly sanctuaries threatens the unique habitat that monarchs depend on for their survival Monarchs may not yet be an endangered species, but their annual migration is an endangered phenomenon that could dwindle to insignificance if the giant firs that they cling to during the winter disappear Gone also would be the colorful festival that closes the program—a fireworks display welcoming the hardy fliers to Mexico, with orange bursts against the black sky, looking almost like the beautiful cloaks of the monarchs
田中圭 渡边圭祐 白石圣 森优理斗 渡边真起子 长田成哉 行平爱佳 驹木根隆介 北村优衣 柄本佑 国仲凉子 染谷将太 涩川清彦 土村芳 前田敦子 高良健吾 片山友希 渡边一计 前田旺志郎 中井友望 白鸟晴都 近藤芳正 吹越满 成田凌 堀田真由 须贺健太 森田想 吉田羊 花濑琴音 吉冈睦雄 宇野祥平 石桥静河 南沙良 金子大地 中岛步 齐藤阳一郎 山本奈衣瑠 片山萌美 中川大志 成海璃子 渡边大知 池内博之
为了纪念日本著名电影导演之一小津安二郎诞辰120周年,WOWOW决定翻拍他早期的无声电影。标题是《连续剧W OZU ~小津安二郎描绘的故事~》。它采用综合剧的形式,将“世界小津”的起源替换为现代背
p span style "font-size: 一六px " span style "font-family: " 真正记录一批国之大年夜医若何勇闯 无人区” 敢捅 天花板” 为患者寻觅救命
p ——赌上一切往挑战 上吧 才能的原石们啊 改变期间的 是我们 Blue Lock 蓝色监狱 ”—— br 为了培养出带领日本获得W杯优胜的弓手 日本足联设立了 Blue Lock 蓝色监
迷宮都市・リューイン。 モンスターはびこる迷宮があるこの町には、数多くの冒険者たちが集まっていた。 命を落とし転生した主人公は、迷宮の中で目を覚ます。 その外見は、どう見ても仔猫!? しか
p 一五世纪的欧洲某国 在跳级中挨许可进进大年夜学的神童拉法尔 他回应了四周的等候 颁布发表将专攻那时最首要的神学 可是 从之前开端就热情投进的对天文的热忱一向没有挨丢弃
有某日 他碰到了一名名
p 该剧阐述朝鲜期间女奴的狠恶保存记及事业有成记 名字 身世 乃至男人 所有的总是假的女人的真正剧情 br 林智妍扮演奴婢父母所生的奴婢具德 她和她奉侍的坏主人蜜斯产生矛盾后逃跑 碰到了全
p 一名冉冉升起的政坛精英和他得了掉语症的老婆 大屋之间严重的婚姻联系因为绑匪的一通德律风而开端崩溃 连带糊口此时产生了巨大年夜的改变 p