Lulu and Judy Geeson continue their earlier roles and come to the farewell party Thackeray announces that he is leaving for an inner-city school in Chicago where he will teach again In Chicago, he meets a former colleague who is the principal of the school Thackeray learns that there is an A class with good students and an H for quot horror quot class for the no-gooders He convinces the principal to let him take the H class as a History teacher His new pupils are Hispanic, Black and White kids who are noisy, unruly and engaged in destructive behaviours Like in London, he starts by teaching them some manners He addresses them as Mr X or Miss Y, and expects to be called Mr Thackeray or Sir hence the titles br Little by little he learns their personal stories: Wilsie is a gang leader who protects his younger brother Another is a black female who battles against double prejudice The white kid is growing without parents and hides this to avoid being fostered br We also know a bit of Mr Thackeray s story As a teenager in Guyana, he fell in love with a Chicago girl whose father had come to build a mall They lost contact and he went to Britain to study, became a teacher and got married He is now a widower but decided to take this teaching opportunity to find his earlier love br At school he sets out to teach these troubled kids of their true potential if they take their fate in their hands He teaches about the non-violent resistance of the historic fighters of civil rights When he discovers Wilsie smuggling a gun into the school, he confronts him and convinces him to yield the gun Mr Thackeray delivers it to the school policeman as a found object br Later, the police pressures him to give the name of the armed kid, since the gun was involved in a cop killing He refuses to give up the name of the student and has to leave the school br Meanwhile, one of his pupils has taken a job in a newspaper and decides to investigate on the old Chicago love of Thackeray s The girl arranges an appointment for him Thackeray meets the son of his former love in a hospital His mother is ill Thackeray learns that she loved him back but her father retained all his letters, because she had gotten pregnant, so that young man he had just met is his son br Thackeray learns that Wilsie is hidden because he thinks that the police are after him His brother takes Thackeray to the hideaway to explain the real situation and avoid that Wilsie ruins his life Through courage and talking, the teacher convinces Wilsie to yield his new gun and confronts a rival gang that had come to fight Wilsie Wilsie and the friend who had got him the gun explain themselves at the precinct br The kids have been doing a quot stand in quot and force the principal to accept their beloved teacher back br Unlike the British film, there is no infatuation with him among his pupils, but a fellow teacher Saundra Santiago admires him br The film ends with the graduation ceremony and dance Mr Thackeray announces that he is not going back to Britain but staying at Chicago to teach the new generation br --Wikipedia
《打破奥林匹亚:菲尔·希思的故事》是有史以来最伟大的健美运动员之一菲尔·希思的明确的、前所未闻的故事。18 年的身体和精神牺牲让希斯深受伤病困扰,他正站在改变健美历史面貌的边缘。《打破奥林匹亚》收
伊丽莎白·班克斯 米奇·萨姆纳 西蒙·迈克伯尼 弗恩·萨瑟兰 丽纳·欧文 乔尔·托贝克 拜伦·科尔 马修·桑德兰 埃米特·斯基尔顿 伊恩·休斯 理查德·克劳奇利 埃拉·霍普-希金森 Nick Dunbar Niwa Whatuira Acacia O'Connor Sam Wang Ally Xue Emma Draper Amelia Reynolds Sahil Arora
这个宇宙的 肯定性”在哪里?这几年畴昔 很多人关于这个题目的答案开端摇摆 变得含糊其词 若何让答案再次清楚?这个宇宙变动不止 是于我们还要往交往真正的人 真正的环境 真正的文化 依傍真正的体验 成立起
p 植物漫长进化的功能 为人类打开全新的宇宙 br 从香料的视角 看食品若何影响汗青并塑造了地区脾气 跟从香料的流转 迁徙 征服 畅通领悟 从全世界视野看中国饮食的奇特点 全世界化海潮下
裘德·洛 尼古拉斯·霍尔特 泰伊·谢里丹 朱尼·斯莫利特 马克·马龙 乔治·乔尔托夫 叶·丹尼尔 丹尼尔·多尼 塞巴斯蒂安·皮戈特 约翰·沃肯廷 菲利普·莱维茨基 Vanessa Holmes Bryan J. McHale Rae Farrer Carter Morrison 奥黛莎·杨 Philip Granger Ryan Chandoul Wesley 摩根·霍姆斯特姆 布拉德利·斯泰克尔 艾莉森·奥利弗
阿马尔赛汗·巴尔金尼亚姆 Sunduijav Batjargal Dalaitseren Bayanzul Munkh-Ochir Bayarmagnai Munkhsaikhan Bayarmagnai Bayarsaikhan Bayasgalan Byambatseren Budtseren Naranbaatar Burenjargal Erdenedalai Byambajav Naidandorj Choinkhor Banzragch Dash 巴巴亚尔·达什南扎德 Dashtseren D
p Young Mongol is in love with daughter of his Lord Her Father condemns him as a criminal and nam
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